The Scott Family

The Scott's

To start off about us I am going to start with me!!

I am the creature of this Blog... I get my ideas from many different areas of our lives. Once I began this blog it was just fun and being able to share our story but now it's more than that. I love to share about different things. I have begun to carry our blog outside of just about us. I want the world to experience God. The one and only True God. So whene I am not blogging about our family, crafts, or ideas you'll be hearing about God. So I hope you enojoy and find our Blog something you'll want to read about.

Well I would not be whole with out this man Christopher. Christopher and I meet back in Middle School we became friends which then while Chris was in College we started Dating. I like to say that we stayed connected all the time but we didn't we always lost touch and then out of the blue pick back up and just be there for each other. Well back in 2006 we meet up after he was not in one wreck but two and both he could have died so I didn't let him go anywhere else after that. I couldn't chance losing him. Well in  Feb. of 2008 Chris asked me to marry him.   We did just that on August 30, 2008 in Belzonia,MS.. Best day of my life.. (besides my wonderful kids)


Threw all that we have 4 kids. 

First we have Dusten who is our oldest and very productive child. Dusten was born with a twin sister who died after she was born. We deliver Dusten and Jayden when I was 24 weeks pregnant and we were told they would have a 50/50 chance of life. Which God took Jayden home but he gave us Dusten I couldn't be more blessed with him Dusten is very much loved by our entire family. Dusten is an amazing big brother. Dusten is about to adventure off into Kinergarten I can't believe it myself. But my baby boy is growing up faster than I thought possible honestly. He loves planes, cars, super hero's and learning. This child amazes me with what all he has learned over the past year and continues to learn. I can't wait to share with you about his upcoming school year.


Then we have Owen.. Sweat sweat Owen he is my little man.. He is so love able, caring and just a little cuddle buddy. Owen how badly I don't like saying this is that he is growing up and I don't really have a baby anymore. This child can have a spicy attitude or a cool dude attitude depending on the day. He will be starting Pre-K next year and I know he is going to be so excited to start. Owen loves anything and everything I don't have to do much to impress him. Owen loves his stuffed animals though he has a teddy his Mimi and PopPop gave him when he was a baby he hangs onto with dear life. Trust me he is spoiled.


Well we are The Scott's ..