Thursday, July 11, 2013

Finding out things!!!

So whenever you find something out you don't like or want to know what do you do??? I know sometimes I over react which isn't good but then I come right back down to earth and think this could be for a really good reason. For some reason it just takes me longer than others to figure that out. But this is something I am working on to make myself a better person not only for me but for the people around me. 

1. Step one think of why it happened?
2. Is there a reason this happened?
3. Can I do anything next time so it want happen again?

This are some good things to think about when life goes up in smoke. But trust me it's not always going to happen like this because most people live in the moment. But trying to convince yourself not to over react isn't going to be easy but it's worth it to make others comfortable around you. I feel like if I have a positive attitude people would want to be around me not want to talk about me behind my back. So try and not over react to everything next time things aren't going the way you want to. 

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