Sunday, July 21, 2013

Marriage with out Regrets....

I am not going to tell you Christopher & Mine point of view on it. But I want to get people thinking about they're own marriage and how things are going on in there life. So we start of Group meeting Friday night and I think it went great. I just wanted to get to know everyone it was a small group but it was a well diverse group we were all married different lengths of time but this will allow each other to communicate or even give help or advice towards each other.

But the first group was about how God created man and woman. Man was made from Dust of the earth. Which by the way God created the earth. But God put man in charge over the animals of the land and sea and gave man the right to name all these creatures. But then God saw that man was lonely so he put Adam to sleep and took one of his rids and created woman of man and saw this as good. So yes woman was made of man but women continue the male generation by labor/birth. So woman have to have a respect value of keeping the man generation going.

Finally this it talked about the duties of a man and of a woman will be next week. So be prepared to hear about this as well. But this is to let you know that Man did create woman out of a rib but woman continues the male spices. So don't forget the value of a woman.

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