Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Could wait to post this...

So tonight was Dusten's 1st School program... I was do thrilled to be able to be there and support him.. Dustens entire class wasn't present but a few people did show up. This was so awesome to see and he was do proud of himself..

I love my boys and I was so proud to have Dusten up there sing and showing all his hard work.. Christopher had to work so being the excellent, wonderful and amazing wife I am I recorded it for him.. Oh and I don't want anyone stealing it.. Because people like to take my pictures and post them as they took them and that upsets me.. I would rather they didn't do that.. 

Dusten sang :::

1. Hello. How are you?
2. Spelt his numbers.
3. Recited his shapes.
4. Finally was a funny song about a Toad ... 

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