Sunday, January 12, 2014

Top 10 Prayer Request

Okay so our pastor asked us to write a list of our top 5 pray request well whenever I got to writing them down I noticed I have way more than 5 .... You never know what you really need to pray about until you start thinking about it. I know that we aren't perfect but we can't forget something because it isn't the first thing you think of... Well I am praying for a lot of things right now just because we are about to have some big changes in our life not bad at all but good...

So my prayer request are as follow....

1. Safe and secure move to Georgia.. ( Which as many of you may already know is in full effect... Chris got a position with the company he already works with to find him a position in Georgia.. Now its my turn to sit down and find a job...)

2. Great Health for the Year...

3. My brother and sister n law to start going to church.. (Gregory and Brittany) (They don't go to church and I really wish they would start going..)

4. Safer Cars something more reliable...

5. Find a wonderful home church to go to in Georgia...

6. Get the boy into a church in Georgia

7. Find the perfect school for the boys to go to that's going to teach them everything they need to know...

8. Chris and I would like to have another Child this has been a dream but with my health issues we haven't really had the resources to also so we would like to look into fostering or even adopting a child...

9. I want to go back to school to school and get my RN.. But that's not in the cards now but I sure would like it to be..

10. I want to make sure Christopher and I have the best marriage as possible.. Also want to make sure we do more devotional's together..

So yes some of these may be silly to you but these are very important to me and I want them to become so much more this year... So yes I am praying for this year.. I pray you make some kind of GOAL for the year..

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