Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Dealing with the huddle and bustle

So every day we deal with things..  But it's up to us how we deal with them. So when you get good news. How do you feel? Do you tell everyone? Are you going crazy happy? Or do you get emotional and just can't believe the news?!?

So how do you act when you get bad news. Do you get upset? Do you blame others? Do you want to get even? Or are you the one that takes it with strides...

I know we all can over react, get happy, get sad and even want things to go away. But the way you react can handle the situation all in it self. But you know what I'm saying when it's all and said and over with you know how you should have handle it but you chose not to. 

So let's think before we speak and not act before we think...

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