Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Dreams/ TRUTH....

Everyday I want to wake up at 6:00 a.m. like every other person and go to work... But do I no... I wake up around 8:00 a.m. get my son up and going feed him... Or some days I sleep in and my son is taken care of by my son cause I am so depressed about not having a job.. I never have anything to do but go out.. Whenever I sit at home I go crazy I sit here and think about bills we can't pay or even things I can't do to my house that I want to do.... What in the world to do ...

I have recently gone on several interviews but nothing ever comes from them.. I also go online everyday and apply for jobs.. Plus my husband fount another spot to go to apply for jobs and I go there now myself... I went on a interview from one of the jobs I applied for on that website and I had to take a test that I had 12 minutes to take and also you had to make a certain score and get so many wrong... Does this sound right no.... Oh well...

So now my mind and soul feels like I am going into a hole and I am never going to get out... Well a new friend of mind fount a class I could go to and it's only 300.00 dollars but the only problem is I don't have it... Where in the world to get the money for that idea.... Chris and I don't have many people we can go to... My parents can't afford it... Chris mom doesn't have it.. My grandparents pay everyone else bills so i can't get it from them...(oh that is another story for another day).... But my life isn't getting easier or any helpful...

I don't know what to do anymore.. I don't know what bill to pay or what bill not to pay... I don't know how to not give my husband, myself or my son stuff that we deserve because we work so hard for so much and others don't do much of anything and they get so much help.... I pray for a clear mind and a pure heart and not to want what others have but it's hard not to when you have so little... I know things are going to get better I am just waiting that's all..


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