Tuesday, December 28, 2010

35 Weeks and counting...

Well as most of you already now by now or will find out now that I am pregnant... YEAH... This is our 4th child but we actually only have 1 we have lost one by miscarriage and another after she was born God took her home for her to be protected by his amazing Grace... But yes I am pregnant with a little boy..... We have come across several names we love but none of them ever stick.... First there was HARLEY that lasted about 1 month, then it was just Blake for the longest then ALDEN and it's gone now as well...

I the smart one finally said we had chosen Owen the first time both like it and it goes well with Blake which by the way is the middle name... So now the baby name is OWEN BLAKE SCOTT... We could possible change this again because see we are always changing our minds.. Crazy huh I though so myself...

But on a good note Dusten is 2yrs old now.. wow.. I didn't think that child would make it he is very clumsy like his mother always tripping over his feet, toy's, and heck even air...lol.. But yes our little boy is 2yrs old hard to believe and doing great we are cleared by the heart doctor this year that his heart is doing fine but we still have the hypertension doctor and therapy once a week but this will get better....

Christmas has also come and gone and now we are looking towards a new year 2011... Wow never thought I would ever say it much less type it... These past 2 years with my husband have flown by and are great Chris and I our very happy and overjoy with the new birth of our son Owen who will be here very soon actually funny huh.. But we are extremely happy and very stuck together like glue...like the Sugar land song..lol...

Well I will write to you again on Jan. 1 of 2011 to tell you all the Scott New Year's Resolutions..

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