Sunday, November 28, 2010

Merry Christmas and update's!!!!!!

Well since I have written last I have made it to 29 weeks pregnant wow look at that I am 5 weeks along longer than the twins... I am having another boy we have decided to name him Alden Blake Scott .. He is due around Feb. 11 .. We are so excited we go on Dec 8th to get a sonogram to see how big he is and how he is developing.. We are also not having any more kids this will be our last baby... Sorry to say I am worn out and we don't need thirthy kids two is pleanty for us...

But for christmas we are all decorated and have presents wrapped underneath the tree... We did black friday this year in the rain and horrible weather now chris and I are sick with colds and coughs wow never wanted this to happen but we can enjoy everything we got that night for christmas.. But christmas will be great dusten is growing up so fast he gets around so well and is already ready to get into the present..

But wow we are getting ready for another christmas and another little boy in our family I can't wait for both.. Wish us luck

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