Saturday, February 5, 2011

Our Beautiful Addition = 4

For those of you who already don't know we are now a family of 4 and we are so happy to have our new son Owen Blake Scott with us he is a buddle of joy. Owen was born on Jan.26,2011 he shares a birthday with his cousin Shannon, aunt Pam, Ellen Degeneres, and Eddie Van Halen lol.. But anyways.. Owen was 7lbs and 7 ounces and 19 1/2 inches long when he was born and a picture perfect baby.
We are doing great with the adjustment to the new addition to our family. Mommy is up every 3 to 4 hours feeding. Daddy is working hard to support our family and we apperciate him very much for all he does for us. Dusten is a wonderful big brother who gives his baby brother loving everyday and we hope that continues on everyday as well. MiMi has come over and helped mommy adjust as well for 4 days and let me rest up because my stiches and swelling were slowing me down and mommy is so happy to have such an amazing mom.
Now that things are coming back together we are going to start living a normal life I am currently seeking employment so if anyone knows of anything please inform me imediately I am looking for full time or part time right now Monday through Friday. I am able to do anything but I am really wanting a office position. I hope that my family and friends can send me some information on anything though.. Thanks so much..

But now here are some beautiful pictures of our new addition


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