Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Things You Need to know About being a Mom.

I guess the reason they don't make manual's on being a mother is because if you read it. You may never wanna be a mom for some. But others not so much. I love being a mom. My two little boys run my life. When I say run I actually mean run. I will show you how they do this also.


6:45a.m. wake up time for the boys
7:15 feeding time for Owen and Dusten( have you ever feed 2 kids at once)
7:45 clean up the mess from breakfast
8:30 aTleast have the kids changed and clean diapers on
9:00 i have started a load of laundry and fold one
9:30 i am empty the dish washer and pick-up (while Dusten drags out toys)
10-12 play time relax and clean some more
12:00 eat lunch and then clean up all over again.
1:00 i try to get the boys to take a nap try is the key word...
3:00 get started get things ready for supper cause chris gets off at 4
4:00 have food prepped and waiting from a call from chris letting me know he's on his way home
5:00 cooking and about to eat
6:00 clean up from supper
7:00 bath time for the boys
8:00 laundry dishes and clean up
9:00 everyone but me goes to sleep
10-12 i either am cleaning myself off and then laying down in bed

Yes I am being honest.. That is usually my daily schedule with gym 3 to 4 days a week tanning. I don't know what else I would do with out my boys they keep me busy and on my toes. I honestly love getting to spend all day with them but I am currently looking for a job. I have gone on a couple of interviews and I have one on Thursday which is tomorrow at 11:30 a.m. I am so excited...

Mother's day is coming up and that's what got me thinking about being a mom I remember when I was a little girl growing up and having a family. I knew I always wanted boy's. I have carried 4 children but God has taken 2 home with him to be with him. Jayden and the one i miss carried I hope they know that I love them and I pray they get to see me one day in heaven. I know God is has them in his arm carrying them around loving on them. dusten and owen are my two boys and they are the ones i care for on a daily basis...

Well I also wanna mention my Mother : She is a wonderful woman.. I hope she knows how much I love her and care for her. She has been there for me in thick and thin. She was there for me everytime I needed her. For bruces, crying nights, broken hearts and for all the births of my kids.. She is amazing alway being in the right spot at the right time.. Wow What an amazing woman..

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