Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What's going on around the House!

We have been busy lately around here....

In March Owen and I went to Seattle to see Michael, Amanda, and J. It was amazing to see where they live even thought the weather there is freezing or the weather is rainy. I had a wonderful time I got to hang out with Amanda and J everyday and I got to get closer to Amanda so much more and see her teach a couple of her dance classes as well. J is a dancer himself he is a wiggle worm and also the most happy baby I have meet like Amanda and Michael have said several times. Michael and I got to go to Seattle one day and he took me to the Fresh Market where they throw the fish around cool.. I even got to see the first Starbuck that ever open..It's so small compared to the one's that are open now... I got to see the space needle there also it's actual an old fair ride that they never took down to come to find out. Its 18 to go up and look around per person and free to go up to eat but its about 25 dollars a plate to start off from what Michael and Amanda told me. I can't believe it myself either. While we were there Owen turned 2months old also.... I had such an amazing time hanging out with them I wish we were so much closer to see each other more...I LOVE YOU GUYS AND MISS YOU...

April has sprung in and so has all this terrible weather also.. I can seriously say I use to love tornado's but now they are just crazy. I believe we have had over 40 + TORNADO'S and several deaths over the south.. Even snow up in the north state's what a crazy world we have to live in.. Thank God he has gone home to make a home for us and there will be no more crying, pain or worries.. What an amazing thing to dream of...I know I love to dream about it many days. Also Easter has passed and Owen had his first easter and its Dusten 2nd wow.. How times flies he will be 3 years old this year.. I know how I have to deal with that over this year... Also Dusten is speaking so much more now than he ever has.. I am so amazed at how well he is doing. I love seeing him work with his Therapy ladies. Every Tuesday and Thursday. But practice makes perfect. Owen turn 3months now and he is getting older and older where the time fly's I have no idea.

Well I want to share with you guys some stuff I have fount to be useful and cheap...

New Laudry detergent

New Laudry Softner....

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