Saturday, July 30, 2011

So We are Moving...

So if you didn't know you know now.. WE ARE MOVING...

Where? Georgia..

Why? We are trying to see what else is out there for us...

How? We are going to school right now and we feel we will have better oppuritunties it another community...Plus we have fount some cutie towns out side of Atlanta,GA we like and they are not so expensive.

When? Our goal is to be in Georgia by May of next year..

When we move we will be selling almost everything.. Why because most of the rental properties we are looking come with stuff we already own and we want need them and we will be renting for a while.. We have fount some areas we really like but we haven't decided just yet... We are very excited and really happy for the adventure we are going to take on and we feel that the kids will have more oppurtunities there with school and activities...

What we are selling? Refridgerator, Stove, Couch, Chair, book self, some other stuff... So we are already having takers on stuff so claim your item quick there going fast.. but we are looking to sell this stuff to make money to help with our move and stuff..

Where we have picked?


We have many plans and many ideas so I will have to keep updating yal as things progress and when we finish school and let you know where we recieve jobs.. Never know we may move somewhere totally different.. God has many plans and ideas for us..

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