Sunday, July 17, 2011

Things my kids like...

I know my kids real well...

Dusten loves to play with little CARS...
Seriously he gets mad when we go to Wal-Mart and we walk down the toy isles. He see a car that he can not have and will scream and throw a fit the rest of the time while I am shopping. So i stay far away from the toy section. If he goes with his MIMI and POP POP to Wal-Mart they always get him what he wants. His mamaw spoils him to she bought him this metal truck for christmas he is alway pushing around and loads all his other cars in lol.. What can I say he loves his car...

Dusten loves food. All kinds of food: Chicken, hambugers, hot dogs, fries, mac and cheese, rice, mashed pat., fruit, and ice cream. Dusten eats all the time but we have started trying to maintain how much he eats because I don't need an over weight child.. I don't want him to have to worry about his weight. We always go for walks, play and do things that are active.

Dusten also has a great since of humor. He can make you laugh when you are upset. He knows when to smile and make your life all better. Dusten is just dusten being silly and full of energy.. which is great and he gets along with mostly everyone..

Owen he is still getting use to toys...
Owen always wants to put things into his mouth lol.. Which is so funny... Owen is a very happy baby and most days he will sit and watch the Veggie Tales movies I have he enjoys the singing and skits they do.. Dusten will sit with him and watch them now but Dusten really could care less about tv but we are trying to get him use to it...

Owen is just now starting to be introduced to new foods like: Peas, sweet pat., mixed veg's, squash, mac and cheese( in a jar), mashed pat., and all kinds of fruit... We are always trying new things with him he is just a growing baby almost 6months old wow.. where does the time go...

Mommy and daddy always have our hands full with 2 boys.. We love our kids and we pray over them for the guidance from our Lord and Savior .. We have are focus on having a Christian household where we can show our children the right way to grow up and make sure they enter into the Kingdom of Heaven...

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