Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Well how can I put words together to tell you how blessed I am to have such a amazing husband.... Most people always say they have an amazing husband and they do.. I know I do.. He goes out of his way for me in every way.. When he doesn't have too plus he is a very caring FATHER... Christopher and I got married August 30, 2008 which is 3 years ago.. We are still going strong and I love him more now than ever we have been through some stuff and its not easy to go through some of the stuff we have been through..

I would like to just give you an overview of our marriage that has made us a close as we are.....

Year One:
We experience our first child birth together at 24 weeks pregnant I delivered our 2 amazing babies.. First was Dusten 1 lb and 8 ounces... Second Jayden 1 lb and 7 ounces... After there birth we got the most shocking news that Jayden was not doing well and they didn't expect her to make it.. I didn't even make it to the NICU before she was gone... To this day it still holds her while she was born or tell her how much i love her.. But we had keep our strength we had a little boy beside her who was going to be a fighter.. 4 months in the NICU and then he came home and it started the adventure for us.... The next year we spent caring for him and making him stronger... Plus purchased our house... Which I have to say I picked and fell in love with....

Year Two:
We fount out that we were pregnant again right about the same time we fount out Amanda my amazing sister in law was pregnant which she had a amazing little boy name Josiah... But me I had a miss carriage... We had to deal with this also.. I didn't do so well I went into a deap depression and didn't like my self much and Chris was always trying to build me back up.. We came to find out about 6 weeks later I was pregnant again and that I was healthy which was great... We delivered a health little boy name Owen.. Now we are challenging to take care of 2 little boys...

Year Three:
We are hoping to have finished our School as Medical Transcriptionist.. Moved to Georgia and help Dusten and Owen be more caring towards each other. We are also looking forward to starting our new life as we become more loving and caring towards each other. We are more devoted to the Lord now.. We allow God to show us what we need to do and help us along our journey of life..

Other News:


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