Saturday, August 27, 2011

So What Is your Life made up of?

I would have to say my life is absolutely crazy.. LOL.. When you have two boys you would say the same. I have a 2 1/2 yr old who is always on the go regardless of what life throws at him which recently we have over come our first broken bone. Yes I said broken bone. Dusten Broke His leg which by the way is a hassle because you have to keep it clean and make sure he doesn't spill anything down it or on it basically.. Lord knows we are having fun with it.. But it also has turn my life up side down... We don't get to just sit back and relax ever we are always doing something pertaining to Dusten. Owen on the other hand is my simple child.. I love him and we get along great.. As long as we don't get any broken bones from him.

Well with another year of marriage passing us by we have come to realize we have to stop dwelling on the simple things and let the good Lord calm our hearts and make us have patients.. (I AM WORKING ON THAT ONE).... Chris is always patient which is sometimes annoying... But we work some how he has my weakness and I have some of his... Just like when Dusten broke his leg I was the calm one.. Chris was all emotional and going crazy and could stay calm... It is crazy how God picks our partners we just have to realize that God makes no mistakes..

Chris and I also have joined a great Sunday School class that we love.. We are glad my great friend Lewis Martin put this on me to realize I need God more in my marriage but also in my life.. Plus we have a new pastor at our church who by the way is amazing I never wanna leave church when he gets to preaching he is a very insightful preacher.. We have had some great things going on in our marriage I feel God at work more now than ever and I am so thankful for that too...

For now this is us in a nut shell we are always doing something crazy, fun, goofy, and funny don't worry it will get better I am sure..

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