Sunday, February 5, 2012

Family time

So when it comes down to your family time what all do you do together? What would you want to do together ? I know when we are our boys we live to play games, cars, and try to teach them new things. I know we only have do much time with them everyday they are only young for so long . Our joys ate now 1 and 3 wow how the time flies. We can't imagine our babies growing up but they do it's so awesome to just watch them develop and become so intelligent.

Dusten is great he helps out do much with Owen he always give his bubba a hand in everything they do. Dusten is slowly learning to read and count we are getting there but everyday us s new challenge as well as trying to potty train him is do hard I am so ready got him to just use the big boy potty. But I know that time will come and go before I know it.

As with Owen he is determined in everything he does he is going to do it lol!!! But he is so free willed and he is somewhat stubborn like his mother what can I say it's in the genes lol but he is getting better because he is trying to walk one step at a time. He is going to get it but just at his time not mine is all. That little bugger is heavy to carry he is only 24 lbs is all lol but anyway I think he is so smart . He does things so quick I don't have show him how to do anything he is doing it because his brother does it...

Well me and Chris are constantly working and doing stuff with our boys we live it and will never get enough of it. We are such a great family we are working in being more giving of what God wants us to do not what we Wang to do... So God make your will with us...

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