Saturday, January 21, 2012


Okay so I am looking into doing some crafts to do something that is cheap and in expensive.. I wish this was easier but you have to spend money to get started doing this.. But there are a ton of cool places around town that sale crafts from MOMS like me trying to make money.. I have come across some cool things I wanna start making..Cheap and inexpensive.. Just wanna make a few extra dollars .. I hope that my husband see the point in doing all of this.. So I would love to get some feed back on my crafts... So here are my ideas..

  So this one is the Braclet with different buttons I think that a lot of different people who are kind of old fashion and the young girls will love.. Even moms who want cheap jewerly.. I know I can make it and even make it cheap for Women to buy under 10... So wish me luck..

So this I am going to have to do some dumpster diving or some donations will be great.. This is memo boards and a cute gift for wedding or just a everyday gift....

 I love these because I love picture frames.. What mom doesn't so these are going to be cheap and easy and fun.. These will be the first things I make.. So keep an eye out for these...

 These I thought were cute you can buy these little buckets at a 1 Tree or Hobby Lobby and get some cheap fabric.. These will be fun for little girls rooms for different stuff..

These are my ideas so let me know of a place that sells home made items or just think I could open a store.. This is my plan and goal to open a store that just sells stuff that stay at home moms make.. I think this will work out great.. What do you all think??????

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