Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Bringing me down

Well I know for one thing I have been going threw a ruff patch!! It's crazy how bad things pile up, being annoyed by things, and even worry about others when it's not even your worry to worry about. I am determined to remember not to be stressed and the fact that what others do is not what effects me and my family!!!

If my family is not going to be reflected by others I should not worry about them or it!

I am now going to worry about my actions because if u can't do what's right and be a great wife and mother for them. I want my husband to know I live for him and love him. My children should know I love them and want them to be servants of the Lord. I should want the best for me and my family. I should show a Christ like attitude on the outside a much as I carry him on the outside.

I have been dragging myself down with other peoples actions, words and how they live but that should never matter because it does have anything to do with me and my family!!! My husband deserve a wife who is here for him and loves him!!! My children should feel my care and love for them at all times.

Also I am in the point in my life where I know I need to be better health and get into shape. I am working Out and getting health I just wish I had the money to get food and shakes that are healthy for me. I also want them because it would make me a healthier mom, wife and person all the way around!!!

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