Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Always thinking about family!!!

When it comes to family I just can't imagine my life with out my siblings!!! Lol I jut want you to know a little about my siblings !!!

First I have one sister and her name is Pam and she is the oldest and some times the one you don't look to for advice. She is always been with the same guy and not the one you would want to be with. My sister is deaf and receives a check from SSI and that is what they live off of for the month . Like I Sao the person I can't look up to for advice lol!!!

Then I have two brothers my older is Michael and little brother Gregory!!!

Well I am going to talk about my brother Michael first he is amazing someone I could always talk to and get along with.. I am saved because if him because he thought me about the Lord and I got saved and it changed my life!! He always has help me and given me the best advice also he was someone I looked up to!!! But now he is married to a wonderful woman and has a beautiful son and they live in California !! So we don't get to talk all the time anymore !!!

Them there is Greg he is the younger brother and the smartest and he has always done well. We always were stick together as kids we had some of the same friends and got along pretty well !!! I am so close to him now because we see each other .. greg has an awesome wife too and a little boy rylan who is so silly !! Our boys play together all the time !!!

So that is my siblings they are great and all three different an I am just the mix in the punch bowl lol!!!

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