Friday, April 27, 2012

Some Insight..

So for most of you who may know me I am a part time worker and I love it. I enjoy working part time this gives me the time I want with my kids. What mom doesn't want quality time with there kids right. Then that ADULT time.. lol.. Just had to throw that in their for safe keeping.. Well if you don't know you need to know that I have religiously been seeking full time employment. Our budget for our family just seems to get bigger but the funds just don't seem to match up from time to time...

I am so tired of Job interviews that lead no where, phone calls that never get return, leads on jobs that I can't seem to find or just don't exist in my book, and mostly jobs that ask for experience I just don't have. I mean really how can I give you the experience with out gaining it in the first place. I have juggled school work on top of this I am studying Medical Transcriptions which by the way is a joke. Its more reading and listen than one person should ever have to handle by the way.

I have some goals or some plans I have discussed with Christopher (who by the way is my most amazing, supportive, and rock of a husband) but my plans like I like to call them are. I want to go back to real school the school I am doing is all online and I just don't feel like its what I want to do I don't like being stuck behind a computer. I like to work with my hands, get dirty, and just see smiling or mad faces lol.. I want to be social being stuck up in a office all day is just not for me its for the birds.

I have another plan I have recently started my own CRAFT business which by the way my first Marketing party is coming up on MAY 18TH @ 7:00 p.m. I also want to make more party's happen I just need that one person who can spread the word, book parties and let people know I am a fun crafty person. I know people liked to do the Easly Amused well this is just like that but there is no painting a picture is making a craft of some sort and I have several ideas. The one I am making at my party is called a Redneck Wine glass. I just want more business and parties. I am going to even adventure out to do birthday parties with the business.

But this is just plans and I need actions going on I just don't want my dreams to go up in smoke. So if you can give any opinions I will take them I just wish I could make a suggestion box on what kind of Company or business is hiring and show you all my Qualification's and let me know what you could find me I would be ex tactic lol... So for now these are my insights to what I want to do and where I want to go with them. Let me know what you think.

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