Sunday, April 29, 2012

Our Weekend!!!

We had a great weekend I believe. My husband just asked me earlier about that so I felt that should be the subject of my blog lol.. Way to go Chris you finally have your input on this blog lol.. He always says I write about lame stuff I don't see it as lame I just see it as my outlet to inspire me self to do more.

So to begin I had a long weekend which was great by the way. Friday I started off by taking my new car to get a tag, then to take her to get all clean up, and then home lol.. Lets just say she is a big girl lol just like her Owner I might say.. lol.. But I love my new car I couldn't ask for more. I know I know you want to know what I got and I will tell you... It's a Yukon XL. I love...

Saturday started earlier I met with some pretty amazing girls from our Sunday school class at church. Andrea and Kayla some pretty amazing woman I would say myself. We first started off at a Flea Market in Flowood and browsed through all the antics, rustic, and renewed products they had. I also feel in love with tons of items just the only problem I might say is they are over priced. After leaving there we hit up dogwood going from different shops I fount some great buys at TJ Max I might say it may be my new favorite shop lol.. We ate lunch and we got Andrea some shoes and headed to her house to make our Crafts we bought at Michael's...

Mine is a stool for my boys to brush and wash there hands....

Later that day I came home and had a nice evening with Greg, Britt and Rylan.. We had a nice little cook out and it was great. I am so happy they came over its nice to have some family time. Never miss that family time... I love my brother.. I love all my family I just want them to know that...

Sunday we got up and went to church it was great. We had a great lesson in Sunday school on how to deal with are moods and how to look through it all and see the good in everything we do. Me for one I need to stop allowing my emotions to get the best of me. Also don't bring everyone down not say that you don't express your feelings just don't allow them to over whelm people. Then we went into the church service were we fount a great sermon it was amazing.. I love Pastor Frazier he is an amazing Pastor. He talked about passion and where we are going in our life. 1. GO 2. SOW 3.GROW 4.DESIRE MORE..

So now I must say it was a great weekend time with friends, family and God.... Just have to say I look forward to more time with my work on my faith with God..

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