Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tuesday'S jOke...

So as most of you know our church that my family goes to is having Vacation Bible School.. Which we are doing it on Babylon with Daniel.. Well today was day 3 and and it was my second day.. I am still getting to know my kids as I am a Team Leader. Which I love.. We have 8 amazing kids all different ages. I don't know but I am amazed by what theses kids know and what they can express. I learn something new every day from them.

But to get to what was so funny.. I have to say that there is one little girl in our group who is quite funny she is the class clown as I would say for the girls group. Then there is a boy who is the cute one who all the girls fling to and hug all over lol.. Well this little girl went up to him and said " Let me see your hand" Boy's response "Okay" .. Just like a guy huh.. Well the little girl wen on to observe his hand and as she did I noticed she was making a M symbol on his hand and looked at him say  "Your going to get married" He said "Really.. Look at my other hand." Which she did and showed him there was another M symbol and he looked at her with a straight face and said " I am not only getting married Once but Twice" ...

I could not even stand there as I walked away laughing it was hilarious.. This little girl went to every one's hand and show them and some didn't have a M yet they were too little but I must say she is very creative and different but she has the most spirit and most friend list girl I have meet...

But I thought I would share my FunnY jOKE OF THE day..

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