Monday, May 7, 2012

Weekend all balled up !!!

Well Our Weekend was a BLAST.. oh..

Saturday we went to the Swinging Bridge Festival and it was a blast. They had carnival rides, games, food, and booths for all the businesses in Byram. We enjoyed it and got to walk around and see what all there was to see. They also had a Car show going on as well with all the old cars the boys loved them. Especially Dusten the fire truck was his favorite. I love when Dusten gets all excited with any thing to see my kids face light up is just the world to me. Dusten and Owen are something else. When they rode the rides it was great. They just giggled, clapped and waved at us as they passed by us every time.

Sunday as always we go to church and we love to go and worship and get some Jesus fill ups. We have a great inspirational class with our Sunday school. Our Sunday school class always has something to hit home with what we are going threw and this week was Wisdom and Faith with our life. Our Wisdom is just our role in life to give our faith time to work and give God the chance to allow us to gain Wisdom threw all our trials and Tribulations.. But we need to have Wisdom in all things.

Today is Monday.. We have been praying about Christopher because he applied for a higher paying job at KLLM and we fount out today that he got it. Amazing. Thank the Lord for following threw and allow this door to open for Chris. He will be night dispatch which means we will be at home by ourselves at nights and this is not a big deal its just that we will have to make sure Daddy has time to sleep and keep quite around the house.

We are allowing God to give us Wisdom, Faith and strength to allow him to make our Lives work out the way he wants them to now how we want them to..

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