Saturday, April 19, 2014


So let focus more on our marriage..

I know a marriage is a full time job I put all my effort into it but what if your not getting the same effort back. Do you and your spouse talk daily or when he or she gets home? Do you fight or talk with each other? Are your conversations about your marriage or about yourself? Can you count on your spouse?

Ultimately what is boils down to is communication. Do you communicate effectively towards each other? Many marriages have stages where your bored with each other or maybe you haven't connected in as a whole. Trust me it happens but can you come back from it? Yes every marriage can with stead whatever your willing to fight for.

When your spouse or yourself gets home ask how there doing? Not how work went. Work is drilling and to bring it home can cause stress or even arguments. Ask if there is anything they need. Prepare a meal together (or in our house hold a family meal). Come together at a dinner table pray together. Ask how everyone is doing? Include your kids because it will make you happy to hear how there doing and boost there spirits.

Being there for your spouse when there having a bad day at work is important reassure them there capable of doing there job. Show them there strengths and even how well they deal with conflicts.

At the end of the day there needs to be quite time no distractions, no electronics, a time for thinking. A time of prayer, talking and reading Gods word. 

Do me husband and I do this everyday? No, but do we need to? Yes if course but like what your thinking life happens your schedule is always changing, bumping around, or your kids want go to sleep (in my case). But we do need to find time for our spouse put earthly things away and focus on each other.


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