Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Don't lie, steal or cheat...

Okay so this happens to be a big issue with me... Don't ever lie, cheat or steal from me.. Why because it hurts.. Trust me I'll never trust someone who lies to me again... if you cheat on me I'll think you'll cheat on anything in life.. Finally never ever steal from me if I have it and I don't need it or can help I will give it.

People don't realize these are key points to any relationship if you were ever lied to did you feel like you weren't good enough for the truth or why hide it from me in the first place...

I don't know why but this just has me bogged down ... No it not my husband or my kids that have done nothing... It's someone else in my family.

Someone who wants to be included but when we try to include them they turn they're heads up at us. But we find out later they could be with someone else.

Don't lie or hide it it will come back in bite ya in the butt!!!

 Then stealing things that aren't yours trust me you'll look stupid when your caught with them what's your answer for taking it??? Really just ask.. Please even simple things can even be asked for...

So this was my rant for the day.. How do you feel about this subject??

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