Friday, November 14, 2014

Keeping up with US

So today I did receive bad new I didn't get the job I was hoping to receive I look at it this way. Maybe this isn't where God wants me right now as much as I need a job God is going to find a job for me and supply all our needs. God has his own timing not our timing. We have to have faith and that's what I am working on my faith and relying on God to supply my needs..

On a good note I'll share some photos of what's been going on!!!!

Dusten lost his first tooth!!  Tooth fairy left 5 bucks she's very nice these days!! Also Dusten has another loose tooth lol.. Dusten is looking forward to the next tooth fairy visit!!!

We had halloween which was fun and the boys got tons of candy we don't need I threw most of all of it away!! But we have to keep candy to the minimum when you need to lose like 100lbs..

 Then today me being bored in the car rider line at Dusten school!!! But that's what's going on you got caught up!!!

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