Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Financial Freedom Part 2

So a few weeks ago I wrote about Financial Freedom... Why I write about this is because this is the major part of my life that I struggle with. I was asked just yesterday if I was tight with my money. As much as I knew the answer I didn't want to be honest. But I was honest because lying about it will get me nowhere. I am very careful with my money. I don't like splurging on new items. I find a lot of things a waste of money. I could need something and still not get it for myself. I am horrible with money as well. I fight with the battle of keeping a budget.

Last year I promised to start keeping a ledger that has yet to happen. I think it just stressful to know how much money you have at all times. I honestly don't want to know that way I don't have to stress over not having enough money. But we will never have enough money. I find it hard to look at others who have so much and don't seem to struggle but then I find myself struggle 90% of the time. I want to work on this area of my life. This is a key thing to happiness but I know I'll never gain happiness until I overcome this fear of not having money or enough money.

But I have begun working and this has brought some relief to our lives and this may be the very thing that we need all along but I still find it hard from time to time to manage all our bills and debit we have going on in our lives.So with that being said here are some things I am going to do to work towards not being concerned with these matters...

1. Pay all my bills on time and meet due dates.

2. Buy groceries that I need and never over indulge in the unnecessary things.

3. Become understanding that things happen that may not be included with my income allowance.

4. Being able to pay off debit is a reward but doesn't mean to go out and get a new debit to fill its spot.

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