Monday, May 3, 2010


When ever I go to Hobby Lobby's I never ever leave this store with out something cool or different. So I have been doing a lot of decorating around the house like I have mentioned a million and one times But I went to Hobby Lobby today and I want to buy the cake decorating tools I would love to make cakes of all sorts. I love icing. I think it would be great just to do for making any sort of money.. I have some ideas on cake I would change the colors and design's for sure to make them my own personal cake's and ideas. I also would like to do some party events...

I am having a baby shower for Britt and Greg and I have to make some kind of cake or decoration for the party. I am going to make banner's up and some different types of games and stuff for the party... I know for sure that I would be great at doing things like this because I have many ideas on doing decorative stuff.. Just have to find stuff to do first.... Baby shower cake, baby shower banner for ( Gregory Rylan Pigott), toys, games, and more...

There are so many more things that I want to do.. I need a website for decorating ideas, I have more things that would be for parties and all types.. Many ideas for different things.. I would make cakes, decorations, and maybe even more if i could get things going... Well I even would like to make diaper cake's I know that I would do a good job at it.. I hope that all this turns out well for me.. I have so many ideas just no funds for them to happen yet... I would love some kind of funds to come in to help me with these ideas I would love to continue out...

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