Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Picture Perfect....

So as many of you already know that I am pregnant again.. I am currently at 12weeks and about 4 or five days.. I am so happy all things are well.. But I may have kidney stone's which stinks... blah blah blah... But any who.. the baby is doing great growing fast and I am having weird moments in this pregnancy...

1. I can't remember to call a washing machine not the dish washer... Actually anything I say comes out wrong these day's it's like all my words get combined and just come out on their own lol.. so funny...

2. I no longer like pickles they make me wanna gag at the sited of them.. I no longer like the scent of ketchup it actually made me ruin my supper the other night because Christopher had a big glob of it on his plate...

3. I am always having back pain..I'm not even far enough along to complain about back pain am I... I just now if i could just pop my lower back I would be in Heaven......

I can surely say that this pregnancy is going really well... no SICKNESS yet.. I continue to cross my fingure's though because you never know when it could start... But Dusten is doing well with me being pregnant he is not needy or wanting he actually is really cute he rub's my arm and love's on mommy.. awwwww.. how sweet...

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