Sunday, September 12, 2010

It's a Boy...

Well Blogger Friends.. We are now 18 weeks and counting.. I am doing well with this pregnancy.. Nothing weird Beside the fact that my body wash is making me break out then i'm fine about 30 min's later.. But anyways... We are happy to announce that our new addition the our family will be another BOY.... Yes a boy.. you read it right... We have chosen a name already it will be Harley Blake Scott... We are preparing for his arrival already getting all the stuff organized.... Dusten will be a big brother now.. I hope he can live up to the job but I'm sure he will... Dusten is doing so great.. Walking and now we are working on words... We are reading our Bible Aunt Amanda and Uncle Michael bought him.. We love it... Read the word of Jesus to your child should make you grow stronger as a family... Chris and I do believe so.. Get involved now in your child's life not when he is not interested any more....

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