Saturday, March 26, 2011

Scott Family Update- Fun times!

Febuary was a great month.. Valentine's Day .. Chris and I went to dinner and to a movie wow.. I couldn't believe it myself.. We don't get to go eat and a movie but we did and had a blast. We got to celebrate Owen's 1month old birthday and spend lots of time and love with him... Owen had grown alot up to 9lbs and getting bigger everyday...

This month is March! Also my birth month I was born on March 6th, 1986, did you ever wonder what famous people were born on your birthday I do. If you just go to Google and look up ( famous people born on dob?) it will show you all the people born on that day that were famous for whatever like actors, actress, artist, musicans, and whatever. Mine are Shaquille O'Neal, Tom Arnold, and Ed McManon. Most of all the people born on my birthday were men lol.. But also did it on Chris, Owen, and Dusten there were so many people born on each of theirs birthday its not even funny.. But anyways... We also know that it my grandpa Pigott's birthday on March 9th and my grandma Quinn's birthday on March 12th who I miss dearly...

I also got to visit to West Coast Seattle,WA which by the way is beautiful and I love it.. Just not all the cold weather and rain that could stop lol... But I am having a blast spending time with Amanda, Josiah , and Michael... They have shown me the city and the Space Needle it's cool.. The Mountains in the distance are awesome... God's hands made this world and did it perfect! Well it's only Saturday and I don't leave til Wednesday so I am sure I will be doing much more stuff so I will blog about what all i did...

Catch You later on the flip side...

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