Sunday, November 27, 2011


Well Thanksgiving has come and past.. When ever I split the word up you'll see you should give thanks. If you don't already give thanks for everyday you have. Giving of yourself, time, friendship, or just whatever you can give. I know for certain I am thankful and giving most days of the year..

I have to give THANKS for what all God has given me:

1. An amazing Husband.
2. Great Kids.
3. Family that loves me.
4. Friends I can count on.
5. Good Health.
6. An amazing Church to go to.
7. A JOB...

What I give of myself:

1. Love
2. Friendship
3. A shoulder to lean on.
4. Volunteering at my church
5. Being their for others
6. Always be outgoing.

I have to say I am always thinking of other stuff but I don't want to be over ambitious of myself and someone think I may not act or be this way. But I hope and pray that all things that come to pass anyone can know I am thankful of them and I will give of myself whatever I may..

So what are you thankful for?
How do you give of yourself?

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