Wednesday, November 30, 2011


So lately I have been doing a lot of thinking and constant prayer. I know this is a good thing. I have many words to say and I almost always never say amen because I want to leave that prayer line open I never know when something may come along that I want to talk to God about. But as I thought about it I need to say amen in confirmation that I know God will take care of it.. But whats even more amazing lately I keep hearing the same scriptures in my head " Delight yourself in the Lord" and "pick up your cross and follow me"...

No I don't know what part of the bible those scriptures come from sorry.. But I do know they are scriptures... How? I could feel God trying to tell me I need to stop worrying, doubting and questioning him.. I know God was getting somewhat bothered by me asking the same questions lol. I knew he was working it out because he always does and always will just in his own way and own time.. (so not fair by the way but God is just)

But what I wanted to say about this blog is that I just don't know what words to say sometimes to get my point across or am I explaining it to much. Do these words even make sense? How does he know that the words I am pray have some much grief, excitement, joy, love, and power behind them? Because, I think God knows that when we pray we pray with a heart that is open and he can feel us and knows our heart so however you mean to pray he knows why before it comes out of your mouth.. So I pray with words that he already knows I am going to say REALLY.. Then why pray huh.. Well you pray to confirm it with God that is why you say Amen..

So with all this said I want to say I pray that everyone knows that the power of prayer is unknowingly powerful.. Just make sure you know that God knows our hearts, prayers, thoughts, needs, and wants no matter what they are. So just hold on to the faith of this..



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