Sunday, December 25, 2011

Crazy Wonderful Christmas..

I have had a wonderful, crazy, lovely Christmas.. How funny to say this and it will be funny to hear out Christmas....

To begin we started our Christmas Saturday.. We went to Chris's mother first and had lunch and it was great by the way.. Thank you so much Mom, Betty, and Kathy.. We ate and talked and then the kids couldn't take it anymore and had to open the presents... The boys got tons of stuff a couple of out fits and a toy ... Chris and I go some very nice items that we will be displaying around the house I just have to figure out where and I will post a picture of them they are very beautiful.. Thank you so much for the wonderful gifts.. After the gifts we went to see Papaw who is in the VA hospital please say a prayer for him he is still sick and can't come home which he was very upset over. But I think he was happy to see us and the grand babies.. 

After see Papaw we went to NANNY'S.. lol I love me some nanny .. They had more food there but by the time we finish eat, presents and saw papaw I had work off what I ate at Cindy's and we ate again.. They had ham, soup, green bean casserole., deserts and much much more. All the Scott family was there and it was a great to see all of them. We got more gifts there from everyone and it was great.. Thank you everyone for all the gifts we love you all....

Before we knew it we had to leave and head to my moms to have Christmas with Greg and Britt.. They had gifts for us and we had gifts for them. We exchanged gifts and opened them. Then the boys opened there toys. The boys enjoyed everything they got.. They are all spoiled.. I love them all..

Christmas is a time for family and friends and we did just that for Saturday .. 

Christmas day we got up and open presents here at the house and the boys were overjoyed and it was great.. I love seeing them get so happy opening presents.. Both Dusten and Owen were so happy.. We had a great Christmas here at the house then we went to my moms house and ate and the boys opened more presents.. I am going to tell you what the boys have enough toys and clothes to last them a while ..


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