Sunday, January 15, 2012

New Year New You..

So I have began a New Year and I am making a new me.. What am I doing different..

I promised my husband to complain less and try and figure out how to do it before complaining I can't do it or it won't work. I know that sounds crazy that I would complain but I do when things don't go right. Even when things go wrong I either get mad, upsets, or even just become a deaf mute.. I am sorry but this is my major down fall. I just can't help it. I love life to go smooth like anyone else. But my big problem is I just need Patience and I need more understanding. My husband agrees with this state way to much. So instead of making a silly New Year Resolution mine came from me making me a better me...

So far I have done well. I have had a small melt down but when it came down to it I realized that there is more to come with it. I am currently strongly looking for a job in Georgia if you don't know. We are wanting to move from Mississippi to Georgia. I am so tired of it here I can't find anything to do with our family. Plus our jobs here are not the best we just need more stability and more to look for. Not just moving we have fount that there is more to offer us somewhere else besides here in Mississippi. Schooling, Careers, Family sporting, Outings and more family...

Our goal is to be out of Mississippi by March right now we are searching for jobs... Frantically if i might say.. Just pray for us.. Thanks.. So if you have any advice to find jobs or housing please send it our way..

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