Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Look who's turning 3...

So on December 24, I will no longer have a 2 year old I will have a 3 year old.. He is such a blessing.. I am so happy to have him in my life.. Who you ask?


We had his birthday part this past weekend at Chuck e Cheese he had a blast.. We had a great turn out and are so happy for everyone who came.. We love our little boy and he is so smart, exciting, and just a ball of fun.. We are learning and teaching him new stuff everyday.. Dusten is learning to count and learn his abc's and he is doing a great job..

Now we are working on manners.. Wow this is a bad case.. He will say please and thank you .. But when your on the phone he will continue to call my name over and over again.. Its crazy.. I don't know what else is going on with this but I pray it gets better... If you have any suggest please send them over.. I pray that someone has answers .. Plus we have started a 3 min time out for being bad.. Which he doesn't like to much..


Also we are trying to stop him from getting up in the middle of the night and coming to our bed which is horrible. I don't understand it he is not crying, upset, or nervous.. He just comes to our room and gets in the bed with us. I hate this because he is so small and I am so afriad of rolling over on him.. This is not a good thing at all..

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