Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Making Time..

I know its been a while sorry for the delay with everything going on and not having a moments of rest I haven't had time.. So here is your recap into my life int the past :

Well lets start off 5 months ago I lost my Papaw he was a great man loving and caring. I miss him all the time and I have dreams about the past and dream about things I would love to talk to him about. I just can't help it I wanna call him up and talk about stuff because he was my go to man.. I know I should call my husband and I do but every girl needs her papaw.. sorry.. I love you Christopher!!!

Then was Christmas time wow.. That was a crazy course waiting to happen lol.. Christmas was great we had dusten's birthday party which I know I blogged about already I know.. He had it at Chuck E Cheese his favorite place in the world lol.. But what kid doesn't lol....

Then after Christmas was NEW YEARS.. I didn't make any new years resolutions so I don't know what to tell you I am trying to keep up with me with out trying to add more junk into my pile.. Well I do live a fast past life style weather people want to believe it or not??!!!!

February we moved to my parents house and shortly afterwards fount out my grandmother who was 89 had pneumonia and was not well.. She was put in the hospital to help her to breath then we got a phone call later asking what her wish were because they didn't think she would make it.. A week by with her breath fast, slow, rapid, shallow, and then on Feb. 26th she took her last breath and also went to be with the Lord..
Yes... I was torn up and I am emotional still I loved my grandma and papaw.. They were amazing mentors to me and my family I hope to be as great as they were... I love them and miss them dearly.. My grandma's death happened so fast I still haven't wrapped my brain around it..

But Now I have to move on because that is what she would have wanted.. I miss her but this article is written in memory of my Grand Parents!!!!

Alan Lamar Pigott & Hazel Louise Crisco Pigott!!! Two amazing people who will never be forgot.. So slow down and remember no matter how hectic your life is make time for family and That is what I am going to do from now on !!!! Sorry to everyone for not making time for you.. I love you and will see you soon...

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