Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Okay so every Woman I know has once in there life time said " If I could build my dream house it would look like".... Well I have gone on Pinterest because its a way to find stuff I like and dream about having or doing one day.. I am going to show you some of the stuff I have pinned and one day would like to put into my house...

My dream House? It would be Rustic, Shabby and Cottage look all in 1!!!! So here are some of my pins...

I love the all of the shutters I just think its different something you would see every day and how they are stack is even better .. Just something that you can change up with colors to give it contrast...

One of the Cottage style Homes I love!!!
2nd House I love... I would rather this one because of the structure of the house!!!

I just love the fire place !!! Its a pebble look!!1

Ballet Bench put on the porch!!!


Hall bathroom set up..

Just to say the less I would love to reuse recycle products stuff that is environmentally safe and something that would become a family project.I am always up for something new and different. So when it comes to my dream house I am looking forward to make a lot of the stuff to put in it and reuse a lot of stuff. So look forward for me asking and looking around in rummage, garbage, and garage sales.. I already do this but I am in an apartment so I don't have much space at all..

My dream house will come along one day and that day is not to far away..

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