Friday, April 6, 2012

Get the Jift of it..

The things we as mothers go through for our families to have a normal day. But what goes on in the background is never spoken or seen... lol.. I watch the movie "How does she do it?" with Sarah Jessica Parker who by the way is a mother not only on film but in real life. I just have to say this film speaks volumes to me.. I loved it..

What I go through in a day to make my family's life to stay as normal as possible.. Here it goes:

1. Wake up with 2 thriving little boys.. Who by the way are always hungry lol..
2. Fix Breakfast ( 2 separate meals cause they can share or have the same thing most mornings)
3. Get Diaper changed, Potty, and Get dressed when one kid runs off and the other is say momma I want this or that.. lol.. Trust me I am not kidding..
4. Fix a diaper bag for the sitter to make sure they have everything and anything for there day at the sitters..
5. Usually fix my self a glass of water take one sip realize the time and run to the bathroom  and start getting ready..
6. After I get ready the full glass of water I made I pour out .... point less to make huh.. I would say
7.Grab one kid and tote him, grab the diaper bag. The oldest walks so he is the leader.
8. Put both kids in the car and then head to the sitters.
9. After leaving the sitters I head to work....
10. Pick up the kids from the sitters after work.
11. Head home to meet my husband to make dinner.
12. After dinner I clean up do laundry, dishes, get the boys a bath and play a little.
13. Start laying the kids down and pray they fall asleep.
14.fold laundry, put up the dishes, and sit for a few seconds.

By now I am so tired I either take a bath or fall asleep on the couch trying to watch a show.. Most nights I fall asleep and wake up in the middle of the night think I have forgot something or make a list of things I need to do.. lol.. I know but I can't help it I make list of everything.. From groceries, toiletries, and house chores. I don't know what I would do with out my list then.. My phone it has reminders and dates that are set for stuff coming up and going on.. I am a busy mom and writing this I am making a list in my head of stuff we need around the house lol.. But life is grand and I love my life..

Mom's job is never done. But I wouldn't want to be anywhere else but here..

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