Tuesday, May 22, 2012

First night alone!!

So tonight Chris starts his first night as a dispatcher!!! Aww home alone with the kids it actually went great so far!!! Chris left about 8:30p.m. The boys were great for me!! Owen went to bed at 8:00 and he went to be easy as always ... Dusten as always he didn't want to go to bed but he did sit still and watch all of Cars.. I know he'll watch Cars an sit still.. Well I am so happy to say at 9:45 he went to bed with no fuss yes !!! So the kids are out and I am sitting here thinking of all the things I could do!!

Well I couldn't imagine not being alone but if it's this easy every night I think I will be just fine.

Oh by the way I went to the house for the first cleaning and it was quite horrible!! I am sorry to say its not what I wanted either this was a job that would take a week or more. I am also going to say I don't see it lasting because after scheduling to work another days he backed out. So I am back to square one looking to make money in a hurry and not getting there fast!!! I need help so bad.

So I don't know what else to do!!

1 comment:

  1. Hello, it sounds like you have a great plan for re-doing your old dresser. I hope you post photos when you are finished with it. I also enjoy furniture re-dos and I'm always working on one or more projects from re-purposing, to art, paper crafts, sewing, gardening, singing, and just plan enjoying each wonderful day. I am your newest follower, please accept my warm and humble invitation to visit and hopefully to follow me too. Connie :)
