Sunday, May 20, 2012

A Weekend that was full of surprises...

Saturday was a restful day for me to say the least. I was lazy up until like noon then I made everyone start cleaning which rudely got interrupted by my parents so we watched a movie lol.. But we still cleaned up thought.. We came to find out our vacuum was really broke when it started smoking and it wouldn't suck which by the way I knew several weeks ago but no one wanted to listen to me..

Why don't mean know Woman are always right? Come on now we know what we are talking about...

Oh the surprise of the weekend was: When my husband went to take the vacuum to the garbage we fount 2 tickets to go see the MS Braves.. Which was amazing.. To say the least after some of the bumps in the road we had this week and me stressing over a job. Chris and I needed some TLC for each other.. This was perfect. My mother in law Cindy watched Dusten for us Thank you Mom.. Love you... Our sitter watched Owen (who is her favorite I don't care what she says..) But our sitter loves both our boys.. They are her kids too..

We went to the game today and sat together while i sipped on Sweat Tea and Chris had his Sprite... We order a batch of Chili Cheese fries and just hung out and relaxed and it was so much fun.. We talked, laughed, took a bunch of pictures and just all around had a great day..

Then tonight at church we talked about our VBS yes I am a volunteer I am super excited and I am looking forward to it... I just love my church and I want to get more involved as much as I can and get to know more people inside our church. As a family you have to grow and develop into something more so you can grow so that is my ultimate goal... 


Oh by the way on my way home I heard Chris's and our song... I'll be by Edward McCain... Loved it...

So many things going on and so much fun coming out of it all..

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