Thursday, May 10, 2012

Getting in the Summer Mode..

Summer is right around the corner and I know almost everyone wants to fit in a bikini.. lol.. I just wanna fit into a swim suite that I don't look to fat in.. I am surely going to lose weight one day start eating healthy and being a better shopper when it comes to eating healthy. Right now I just kinda of buy whats on sale or just find what I see really. We have tried to do different things but nothing really seems to help. It really has to stop so I have decide I am going to make a list of stuff Not to buy at the store to What to buy at the store from now on...

1. What not to buy Nothing White.. It will stick to you...
2. The Pasta has to go. Whole grain and Wheat's are better...
3. More Organic, Fish, Poultry, and Chicken..
4. No Junk food unless its a healthy snack.
5. More Produce and Healthy Habits.

Also to go along with the new rules you have to find out how to burn more calories and less sitting around complaining. I have started some funds to save up money to buy a bike for Chris, Owen, and Me.. I am so happy to know that my husband is up for this. We have a gym membership we have to start using also we have a 24 hour gym here at our Apartment.. No reason not to be getting healthy and getting into shape.

Goal weight is 175lbs.. What will it take to get there we will find out!!!!
My goal is to get started immediately so if you know of any websites to go to and find coupons to buy much healthier food and healthy recipe's. I am looking forward to inspiring others with my weight loss progress.....

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