Thursday, May 17, 2012

What to expect out of my Marriage?

Well I am one for no kissing and telling. But that is something to think about though!!! I love my husband and I can't tell you what I would do with out my husband. My husband is Christopher Scott. He is such a strong willed man he will do what ever it takes to be there for me in any way possible.

Christopher and I meet a long time ago back in middle school we became friends first. Then our friendship grew from their we went on little dates like to the movies and to the fair maybe the mall a time or two. But that's not what attracted me to him. He was the person I ran to in everything for everything Chris was the man of my dreams and I knew it from the first time we went out on a date together. I just couldn't imagine life with out him and I never want to.

Chris is a silent person this is the reason I am a no kiss and tell kind of person. Chris just gets shy and blood shot it the face if you talk to him about Sex. Lol but I don't want to talk about that I just want to say out of my marriage of all things I expect I just want him to be there for me in everything I do like a support system because I know I can trust his judgement. Chris would never stir me in the wrong direction he would just loves me to much to see me get hurt or get down. When ever I am going threw idea on what to do in life I just want to know what I have thought up he would want me to do and would help our family out.

Every time I have a bad day he asked me what I need our what happen to figure out how to fix my problem. I live him for always trying to be Mr. Fix it lol

But a marriage is about expecting something an I know Chris expects something out of me I just pray I provide all the support he needs to make his day click together . What do you expect from you husband or wife ?

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