Friday, May 18, 2012

Some Great things Happening..

If you don't know but I have been working for this wonderful lady Vicki Ellis for the past year and I love working for her. But there is a down fall.. Of course huh.. The hours are kind of crazy but they are hours I can work around with my boys.. Which is helpful but then hurts me.. I am not complaining at all I am truly blessed to have this job.. Well I also work with another lady her name is Tiffany Grant and she runs her own company as well as working for Vicki. Its a Senior Transitions company for moving the Elderly and honestly its a great company and very trust worthy...

But to get to the point. Tiffany has been asking for my help with book keeping and cleaning out some of the homes and helping her clients move. Which is awesome because right now we need the extra money and need some more income coming in. We are having more bills come in between my big Tank I have and a truck note on it.. I just have to have more of an income. This means another job or somewhere I have to bring more income in..

Tiffany has really answered my prayers for more income. I know that it was hard for me to see at first but it was God answering my prayers because its a job it may not be a job that I like or want but its a job that will help provide for my family.

I will enjoy working with Tiffany I will get to meet many people and share my life with them and them with me. I can use this as a time to share Christ with someone and I am now getting how God works but I honestly have to say we just have to see the good behind it all and just see what God is laying out in our Lives.. We must pray and seek Gods will in our life. I honestly have to say the past few days were hard on me but now that I have come to the understanding of Gods will in my life I can now relieve the stress and pain I have.

So Yes I have a job and I am extremely happy and blessed. I just pray that keeps things working in my favor and I need to thank him every day for what I do have and not what I don't because it will all work out in the end a great friend told me...(Kayla)

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